Part 2 – It’s all in the eyes – #Giveaway #Healing #GivingThanks
It’s one-week post-surgery. Still sitting at least twenty-two hours chin to chest position, with ten to fifteen-minute breaks with head up to take the strain off the neck.
So, how am I writing this? Nose to the keyboard and damn the torpedoes. Someone else, namely Robert or dear friend Lisa Kessler, will be correcting errors. Their code-breaking skills may come into play in the event I misplace my fingers on the keyboard.
Report on recovery “in comfort.”
Only some marketing executive who never held their head at this odd position for more than ten minutes, could claim a person can, “recover in comfort,” in this rental equipment. And he was probably a man.
There’s no doubt in my mind that a man designed this equipment! Robert, at six-foot-tall has no problem with the chair, the bed devices, or the car device. Of course, he’s only tried each for about three minutes and claims them perfect. Whereas I, at five feet three and one-half inches, am confined to these positions for hours at a time. I am sleep deprived and cranky.
The average woman’s head weighs approximately ten to eleven pounds. The weight of a light bowling ball. My neck and shoulder muscles are not strong enough to hold such a monstrosity in a down-bent position for extended periods. I’m longing for the brawn of a football player’s neck right now.
And don’t get me started on the torture to breasts. I find myself screaming in my head, and occasionally out loud, “free the tatas,” to quote my dear friend Ger. I don’t know a single full-figured woman who sleeps on her stomach. Impossible! Do you think this might play well as a segment in some twisted romance novel?
The chair, which I could not have managed without, despite being a modern-day torture device, has become a barely tolerated necessity. It helps relieve the neck strain but adds considerable distress to the knees, low back and shoulders. We’ve (and by we, I mean my husband, Robert,) made continuous adjustments to the position of head rest, knee rest and seat, all to no relief. More evidence that a man might tolerate the recovery better in this equipment, except that we all know women have higher tolerance for pain than most men. And tend to complete, or at least anticipate, multiple tasks even while being still.
Okay, rant over. Let’s get to some fun stuff. Have you entered the Rafflecopter yet? I’m giving away an Amazon gift card and also eBooks! 🙂 My way of giving thanks to all my lovely readers.
Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving and all the blessings of the season.